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Week 10 (04/01)

I have always loved Shakespeare. growing up, I had watched and read several renditions of his works. Naturally, I was excited to read Macbeth, a play I had never got the chance to get my prepubescent hands on.

Macbeth is the tale of an army general, who is told by the supernatural beings, witches, that he is going to become the new king of him land. He then carries out several debatable actions in order to solidify his fate.

This tragedy is all about desire and agency. Macbeth, link any human, desired to be at the top of society. It is not unnormal to wish to be in that position. Especially for Macbeth, an individual who actually physically fights for his home, it is not a wild thought that he would want to rule and have control of a place he risks his life for as his occupation. Its within human nature to want, to want more, within moderation.

However, Macbeth had never acted upon his inner desires and stayed in his place. That is, until the witches tell him that his greatest desire was going to come true. Once he is told that he is to become king, he carries put any and every action he feels will get him and his bloodline the throne.

In the end,be becomes king, as mentioned, but is slain because of all the actions he executed to get in this position. It is just another case of a character acting preemptively and condemning themselves to an unfortunate future.