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Week 7 (03/11)

In the first few books of the Odyssey, it is clear the that Gods are more like intelligent meddlers. The God’s depict the future of humans as well as how their lives will play out. Gods have the ability to affect a human’s fate. They intervene in their lives, either positively or negatively. 

This is made clear in the case of Odysseus. Athena herself prays to Zeus to let Odysseus free, and as a result Kalypso lets him go. She does not even hesitate, despite her holding him hostage for a long period of time on the island. This is a positive outcome of the gods favor.  

When Odysseus is given the bag of wind from, Aeolus, he opens the bag of winds out of greed. He winds up back in Aeolus’ presence. Because of this, he falls out of Aeolus’ favor. Aeolus refuses to help them, which causes Odysseus strife. This elongates their journey, a negative outcome of the God’s actions.